Native Forests has a plan. Follow their steps, stop the junk, save the planet.
They recomend:
1. Call 888-567-8688. This single automated phone line takes you off the lists of all major credit bureaus and will take you off the list to receive pre-approved credit offers. You can also do this online at:
2. The Direct Marketing Association represents many mail order sales companies, and estimates that listing your name with their mail preference service will stop 75% of all national mailings coming to your home.
To do this, send a postcard with your name, address and signature to:
Mail Preference Service
Direct Marketing Association
P.O. Box 643
Carmel, NY 10512
or download the online form
3. Companies that do not participate in the D.M.A. program must be contacted directly. In addition, if you only want some of your junk mail stopped, contacting individual companies is the way to go. You can write to firms that send you unsolicited material and tell them firmly to stop. Be sure to use the enclosed Business Reply envelopes when replying through the mail, and address them to Customer Service. You can also call the firms' toll free numbers and ask to speak with customer service.
4. Buyers are covered under a manufacturer's warranty whether a card is returned or not. These cards are primarily used to gather names for mailing lists. Write National Demographics & Lifestyles (a firm that collects this information) to have your name removed:
NDL List Order Services
1621 18th Street, Suite 300
Denver, CO 80202
5. To remove your name from major nationwide sweepstakes mailers, contact:
Publishers Clearinghouse
101 Channel Drive
Port Washington, NY 11050
Phone: (800) 645-9242

Readers Digest, Readers Digest Road, Pleasantville, NY 10570 Phone: (800) 234-9000
American Family Publishers, PO Box 62000, Tampa, FL 33662 Phone: (800) 237-2400
For more information, check out these web sites:
National Waste Prevention Coalition
Consumer Research Institute